Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How To Find People Who Want Your Products And Services

Would you ever try to sell car insurance to people who don't have cars? Or how about selling meat to vegetarians? How about offering homeowners insurance to people who can't afford to buy a house?

A business owner who knows marketing knows that doing any of the above is a huge waste of time. People who do not own cars do not need car insurance. People who do not eat meat will not buy it and renters are not shopping for homeowners insurance. Offering these products to them will result in completely wasted time and no sales.

But I have seen many business owners are doing exactly that - they are spending time and money trying to sell their products and services to people who will not buy them. They do that by advertising and marketing their products and services to people who are not in their target market. And they get no results. Same will hold true for your business. If you market your products and services to people who are not in your target market, you will not get any sales.

Your target market are people who need, want and can pay for your products and services. If you want to make money, you need to offer your products and services to people in your target market. It is easy to sell car insurance to people who own cars and need car insurance. It is easy to sell meat to people who want to eat meat.And you can definitely sell homeowners insurance to people who just bought a house.

In order to sell your products and services, you need to reach people who need them and get them to your web site. So where can you find people who are looking for your products and want to purchase them? They are using the search engines and you can find them there. Over 70% of the people who buy online, use search engines to find products and services to purchase.

To get people who are using the search engines to find the products and services you are selling to your web site, use a process called search engine optimization. It is the process of modifying your web site content and meta tags to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Meta tags includes certain HTML tags (title, heading, emphasized text, keyword and description meta-tags), as well as links between pages on your same site and links to your web site from other web sites.

Once search engines know what material you offer on your web site, they can index it in their database. Once your web site is indexed in the search engine database, it will show in search engine results for keywords that are relevant to the information you have on your web site.

It is very easy to sell your products and services to people who already want to buy them. Use search engine optimization to get these people to your web site, sot that they can purchase your products and services.

How Promotional Articles Can Result In Huge Sales

Despite the power that promotional articles have online, there is no doubt that many people greatly underestimate its’ power while many others have no idea at all of what this amazing marketing tool is capable of doing or achieving for them. Since the web is primarily a information medium, it is hardly surprising that the main vehicle used for the distribution of that information, namely articles, can be such a potent marketing weapon online. Most people who come online are usually looking for information and are eager to find sites that are packed with the information that they are looking for.

Despite the power that promotional article have online, there is no doubt that many people greatly underestimate its’ power while many others have no idea at all of what this amazing marketing tool is capable of doing or achieving for them.

The greatest advantage that promotional articles have going for them is in the fact that they are the best online ad anybody can use. It is widely known that World Wide Web users hate to be advertised to and as a result, the less your message looks like an ad, the more effective it will end up being.

Promotional articles that start out with a mission to deliver valuable information to an audience will always end up enjoying a huge audience. The clincher is being able to merge your ad message into information of real value. A single article doing this effectively has no limit as to the amount of revenue it can generate for a web site.

More so if the webmaster involved has taken the time to research the best keyword phrases to use. With the right keyword phrases used, it means that the promotional article is capable of attracting a huge audience via search engine results. What’s more this audience will tend to be highly targeted and will mainly consist of the exact prospects for the advertised product or service whose message is contained in the promotional article.

This sort of article can attract millions of avid readers and if only a fraction of them end up being prospects and clients, it is enough to make most web site owners very rich.

Unlike traffic directly from search engines, visitors who arrive at your site after reading your promotional articles will not only be highly targeted, but they will also already be prepared in that they will have a very good idea of what is available at your site. This means that they will usually be much easier to convert into paying clients. In other words fewer readers arriving at your site through promotional articles will tend to be much more profitable to you than huge numbers arriving via any other web promotional method you can think of using.

In order for this form of internet marketing to work for you it is important to find a trust worthy company that has years of experience with web promotion experience that will give you results.

This is the true potential which promotional articles have that is yet to be exploited by many web site and blog site owners.

The importance of an Internet Presence

As the internet becomes more and more popular, the importance of a successfully established and managed internet presence is usually self evident. Studies over the last few years reveal that the internet has already surpassed newspapers and yellow pages for information and research regarding companies, products, and services. 70% of US adults use the internet as an information source when shopping locally for products and services, and 63% of those who make online purchases use search engines to research offerings before making a purchase. If your website is not easily to be found on the internet where potential customers, clients, and prospects are already looking, you simply do not exist to the largest and most cost effective source of business you may have.

The difference between a website with practically no sales and visits, and a flourishing website that generates significant traffic and profit ultimately lies in promotion and marketing. In fact, many websites even get away with slow, unattractive, and unimpressive content simply due to their online visibility. Of course, they won’t be performing as well as they could.

A study by Oneupweb shows that as many as 88% of websites are not optimized for marketing and promotion! If a company gets, say, 50 visitors a day to an intelligently developed website – they should expect some of these 50 visitors to make a purchase or request whatever the site may offer. Now, if a company starts to get hundreds or thousands of visitors to their website every day, even a poorly developed website lacking many of the above points will probably outperform the website with 50 visitors a day. Traffic, generated by online marketing and promotion is the most important aspect of a successful and profitable web presence.

If you build it, will they come?

With billions of websites on the internet, and new pages being added at an estimated rate of 7.3 million every day, how will one more website make a difference?

There are many factors that largely affect the performance and results of a website:
  • Website appearance and general image
  • Website load time – the time it takes users to see what they are looking for
  • Navigational Structure of the web site
  • Web site content and it’s presentation
  • Conversion Allowance - The ability to allow people to find what you offer and obtain it
  • Cross browser/platform compatibility – ensuring every visitor has the same experience

But, even the most beautifully, strategically, and intelligently designed web site will not make a bit of difference if no one knows about it and no one can find it.

Obtaining a professional and profitable Web Presence

With 7.3 million new pages appearing online every day, it’s obvious a lot of people are creating content for the web. Everyone from middle-school students to college professors are creating and uploading websites, and the quality of web content varies as largely as it’s authors. To make matters worse, a website seemingly perfectly developed to an untrained eye commonly contains one or many elements which will inevitably lead to the failure of any significant success.

How To Quickly Grow Your Opt-In Email List

The valuable use of these email lists is to secure regular repeat visits to the web site. Either way you will enjoy getting an instant response to your message and hopefully instant sales. An opt-in email list means that the email list only has users that have opted to join a specific email list, when you decide to use email marketing for your next campaign I suggest making sure your email list is 100% opt-in.

On their own, opt-in email lists can also be extremely valuable. They have been known to earn webmasters a very hefty extra income and profits from their own products and also from various affiliate programs products and services that they choose to advertise through their email newsletter to their few-thousand-names opt-in email list. All the more reason why being able to quickly grow your opt-in email list can be so profitable

One of the most important keys to the success of any online enterprise is the size and quality of their opt-in email list. Actually there are those who put it more bluntly and declare that if you do not have a sizeable opt-in email list, then you simply do not have an online business.

In many ways these blunt experts are quite right. An opt-in email list is a very valuable marketing tool for any webmaster. One can regularly email their list to get them to visit their web sites again and again to take a look at the latest or new features that have been added.

On their own, opt-in email lists can also be extremely valuable. They have been known to earn webmasters a very hefty extra income and profits from their own products and also from various affiliate programs products and services that they choose to advertise through their email newsletter to their few-thousand-names opt-in email list.

Having said all this, how does a person grow a huge list within a short period of time?

A useful technique is to purchase an existing list from a reputable site, or place an ad in a popular ezine using the headline of the most popular article on your site. The ad should have a link leading to your site where readers can read the article. However you should ensure that there is something missing. Either an important tool needed to help implement the tips within the article or a resource of sorts. You can even leave out the last paragraph or two which your readers can then finish reading within your ezine. Which means that they will have to subscribe to finish reading the article.

To assist you in the process some internet marketing companies may offer a web-based email marketing software that can help you to manage your lists, messages, and promotional tools.

This is a very effective strategy for growing a huge list of your own very quickly as you ride on the success and huge size of an existing related opt-in email list. The utilization of opt-in email lists have shown to be a successful web promotional tool.

How and Why You Should Find Bathroom Remodeling Instructions Online

Have you recently made the decision to have your bathroom remodeled? Better yet, have you made the decision to do it yourself? Although many homeowners prefer to have their bathrooms remodeled by a professional, there are others who are more than happy to remodel their own bathrooms. In addition to having complete control over your next bathroom remodeling project, you may also be able to save yourself a fairly large amount of money by doing your own remodeling. Although there are a number of advantages to doing your own remodeling, there are also a number of disadvantages. One of those disadvantages is the difficulty.

With bathroom remodeling, it is important that you keep one thing in mind. Many of us have different understandings, when it comes to the meaning of remodeling. There are many individuals who assume that you must change around a whole bathroom for it to truly be called a remodeling project. Yes, remodeling projects are often associated with big changes, but small projects can also be considered remodeling projects. In all honestly, the size of the project really don’t matter because, when it comes to remodeling your bathroom, all you really need is one hard task for it to become a problem.

If you are planning on remodeling your own bathroom, but you are worried about the difficultly of doing so, you should rest assure. There are a number of different steps that you can take to make it easier for you to remodel your bathroom, all by yourself. Perhaps, the easiest way is to familiarize yourself with the work that you will be doing. The best way to do this is by using the internet. Online, you can not only find bathroom remodeling ideas, but you can also find tips and instructions. These instructions may come in handy, especially if you weren’t given a set of installations instructions with your new bathroom fixtures or other remodeling materials. Whether you are interested in learning how to install a new bathroom sink, replace your bathtub, or install a new shower stall, you should easily be able to find what you are looking for online.

When looking for kitchen remodeling tips or instructions online, it may be best to perform a standard internet search. If you are looking for something in particular, such as instructions on how to install new bathroom cabinets, you may want to tailor your internet search to bathroom cabinet installations and so on. Tailoring your search, to exactly what you are looking for, is one of the best and the easiest ways to come up with the results that you need. In addition to performing a standard internet search, you may also want to visit the online website of a home improvement store. Many home improvement stores have free information, as well as instruction guides, on how to remodel bathrooms on their online websites.

Using the internet to find bathroom remodeling tips and instructions is one of the best ways to do so. However, you may not necessarily need to. Many bathroom fixtures and bathroom remodeling materials are sold with a set of directions. If you notice that your instructions are missing, you may want to speak to a sales associate. If the mistake was by error, you should be given a set of replacement instructions; instructions that may tell you or show you exactly what you need to do. If a set of directions does not come standard with you are buying, whether it be remodeling materials or bathroom fixtures, you may be pointed in the direction of a how-to book.

As you can see, you can easily find bathroom remodeling tips, as well as detailed instructions online. Whether you are looking to learn how to install a new bathtub, toilet, kitchen sink, cabinet, or all of the above, you can easily find the information that you need online, with a standard internet search. Of course, you can also purchase a kitchen remodeling book or a how-to guide if you want, but why waste your money when you can find the same information online, free of charge?