Create a Strong Product Funnel to Make your Sales Job Effortless
Many clients have come to me wondering why their products or programs don't sell. They know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they have a great product. So why aren't people buying it?
One of the reasons may be that you are introducing a product that is out of your buyer's financial target. People buy from people they know, like and trust. If they have never heard of you before, and therefore don't have an established trust for you, do you think they will be eager to part with hundreds of dollars? Would you?
The best way to generate sales is to create relationships with people. Not only can you create direct relationships, like the ones you would create at a networking event, but you can also create relationships through your online communications, and such vehicles as emails, notes, blogs and eZines. So rather than go directly for the jugular, try creating a little rapport first. As an example, I never try to outright "sell" my premium products.
This is where the idea of a product funnel enters. Let me explain. If you picture a funnel, you know it's wide and open at the top and tiny and narrow at the bottom. At the top of the funnel is where you want to get as many prospects in as possible. At the bottom of the funnel is your highest price service or product. And in the middle are in-between levels of services/products and prices. The objective is to keep people flowing down from the top to the bottom.
You get people into the funnel through Marketing & Sales Activities like: Free Teleclasses, Joint Ventures, Public Relations, Speaking, Writing Articles, Book Distribution, eZine and Direct Sales. You keep them there by consistently providing value.
Here is an example of a product funnel I created for one of my clients:
Tier 4: FREE offering
eZine Free Special Report Free Monthly Teleclass Complimentary Strategy Session
Tier 3: Offering
e-book – TeleSeminar with MP3 and PDF
Tier 2: Offering
Tele-Course 4 Weeks, Home Study Course - 2 Day Retreat
Tier 1: Offering
3 Day Retreat – Private Mentoring. This process works! I can't tell you how many people have read my eZine Arrive! and then called me up a few months later and told me they loved my energy and ended up being a private client.
I had a client come to me earlier this year not understanding why it was so hard to fill her seminars. I took a peek at her funnel and realized that she was trying to go from zero to $400 in her first communication. We quickly introduced a new product funnel and almost immediately she saw her revenue shoot up. Why? Because now people had a natural progression through the buying process that allowed them to "try" her out. Once they got a taste of one of her products or programs, they regularly came back to buy more products because she is fabulous!
At her most recent seminar, which was $400, she was able to create an up-sell opportunity to her private coaching for $1,000 per month. Several people bought her coaching package and she left the seminar with thousands of extra dollars in revenue she would have otherwise not had!
So take a look at your product funnel and see where the gaps in pricing are. Once you create a more natural flow of pricing you will see the results!
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