Thursday, December 28, 2006

Critical Mass: An Idiot's Guide to Creating An Unstoppable Home Business

Critical mass: a term to describe the existence of sufficient momentum in a business system such that the momentum of the marketing becomes self-sustaining and fuels further growth.

As Perry Marshall puts it: "'Marketing on autopilot' is not some fantasy or theoretical ideal. It is the cornerstone of literally thousands of businesses and it quite literally is the difference between failure and success for many people." The object of this article is to show you how you can become successful by creating marketing momentum that drives an increasing number of buyers to your sales information, and allows you to boost your home business's profits by creating a marketing "critical mass" and to show you how, once this mass is achieved, your system runs on autopilot.

I've been meaning to write this article for months now, its funny how you get sidetracked by all the little things that don't actually build your business. It's ironic really, sitting down, putting pen to paper, to write an article about creating an unstoppable business, when you (and when I say you I mean me) have been procrastinating for several months now. But such is the life of an Internet marketer; we tend to do too much of the non-profitable little things and not quite enough of the things that build our businesses. By that I mean we don't do the enough of the stuff that puts leads in your inbox and, eventually, money in your pockets.

Most of us who have been around the Internet marketing arena for any amount of time, know the formula for business profits and success: putting our product information in front of enough qualified and needy buyers. The concept is intuitive really, it's simple exchange. And despite what you may have heard, marketing is a numbers game. Reality being the trickster it often is, getting enough qualified buyers to your sales information is the bane of most (the boon of the lucky few) marketers who have attempted to solve the traffic formula. There are many simple ways to drive buyers to your sales information both online and offline, expensive and inexpensive, productive and unproductive, but these secrets are closely guarded from most mere mortals, by those who stand to lose the most: those swindlers making the outrageous claims that its easy to do this if you just send them your money and you can start making money right away.

To say the least, without getting into ethics, the home based business industry is marketed in a very deceiving fashion. MLM and network marketing companies' "top level" income earners get rich off their new associates by devising misleading marketing that is appealing to their prospects' weaknesses and greed. Given the amazing percentage of people who fail in business it is only logical to assume that many of these sponsors desert those new reps to fend for themselves in the midst of a very competitive marketing environment. If not properly trained and sheltered, many new associates wind up as lambs led into a pack of hungry wolves. The advice of many companies to the new associate to buy leads, make endless prospecting phone calls to "tire kickers" and to solicit friends and family, too often winds up being totally fruitless and the new distributor ends up quitting. The alternative to this is copying or devising a marketing strategy and a system that drives interested prospects to the new associate's sales information, and allows that information to create leads and sales for them.