Thursday, December 28, 2006

How To Build an Awesome Business Using Only Private Label Rights?

The emergence of private label rights articles and products and these have revolutionized the way marketers create eBooks, gather content for websites and market online. There are a few ways to really profit from private label rights, but this article will focus on what I believe to be most profitable.

This method involves maximising the potential of all types of private label rights: private label articles, private label reports and full blown private label products. I will outline the simple method that will enable you to utilize all of these types of products and profit immensely from this internet business in this article.

Firstly, you need to find a private label product that you believe is of excellent quality and one that you could sell for perhaps $27-$47. This is an important step because you will be basing your entire business around this product, and if you get it wrong, your business will more than likely fail. When looking for products, consider the competition in the niche, whether it solves a problem that many may have and whether it has sales material such as sales pages and graphics.

Secondly, you need to find as many private label articles related to the subject of the eBook as possible. Everyone knows articles are essential for traffic generation and the more articles you have to submit, the more traffic you will attract to your website. Articles are not only important for traffic generation however. They can also be used to create a free mini eCourse which provides your website visitors with an incentive to sign up for your opt-in list.

Thirdly, you’ll want some private label reports about similar topics to your main product. Reports are another excellent method of traffic generation due to their viral nature and can also be used as an incentive to sign up to your opt-in list, much like a free mini eCourse. Another use of reports is as a bonus to your main product. This increases perceived value and, if you keep the price the same, will increase conversions.

This is an excellent “lazy man’s” internet business because it involves very little writing, all the resources have been created for you already and it’s a simple case of utilizing them to their full potential. Many marketers would spend the majority of their time – or money – writing or having written the main product, the articles and the reports and perhaps this will be more profitable in the long run, but if you are looking for an internet business that you can build quickly and easily, then this is the perfect model for you. Once you’ve succeeded with one product and one business venture, find a new product and pursue a new business in a completely different niche. Some niches may produce a few thousand dollars for you, but some might produce tens or even hundreds of thousands in revenue and the majority of this will be profit.