Friday, November 24, 2006

The Only Way to Create Instant Website Traffic? Part 1.

When making money online the single most important question is, How do I drive lots of targeted traffic(people) to my website?

How to make more sales, how to create a winning product and all the technical aspects of online business are obviously important, but you can become an affiliate for ZERO cost, then simply work on driving lots of traffic to your affiliate website.

It doesn't matter what you're selling on your website, you must get people in front of your offer, quite simply, the more people see your offer (as long as it's a good offer), the more money you will make.

Pretty simple calculation and also an obvious one!

So, here we go, how do you create instant website traffic?

Search engines are a great way of bringing free traffic to your website, but it takes time and effort to rank highly in all the search engines, this doesn't mean that you should ignore the organic search engine way, it's just that there are much quicker ways to get traffic and lots of it to your website.

Enter Pay per Click advertising, or the system I use, GOOGLE ADWORDS.

The beauty of the Google pay per click system is that you can have people arriving at your web site in as little as 10 minutes!

Incredible! In 10 minutes and you can drive people to your offer and start earning money.

It literally takes minutes to set up your Google Adwords account. The bad news is, most marketers that choose pay per click are not exactly sure what they're doing, because of this they make silly, avoidable mistakes, lose money, then stop their campaigns never to return.

Well, their loss is your gain because there is no quicker way to market and if done properly, will make you very wealthy indeed!

With pay-per-click advertising you pay only for those visitors that click on your ad and come to your web site. Your ad may be seen by many but unless someone clicks on it you will not pay a penny, sounds good but this is also bad! If no one clicks on your ad, Google will see your ad as a bad ad, so when someone does finally click on the ad you will pay more than you did before because of a clever thing called, click-through-rate, or CTR.

A Few Reasons why Google AdWords is the Best ppc Option.

1. Google rewards the marketers with the best, most relevant ads, which means, if your ad looks like your website will provide answers to what people are looking for, people will click on your ad and when they do, Google will reward you for having a relevant ad. For an ad that converts (clicks/impressions percentage) exceptionally well (high click-through-rate (CTR)), your ad will get better ad placement as well as better pricing. How clever is that?

2. With Google AdWords, you can go target your prospects geographically down to countries, states and cities.

3. Google AdWords can have you a campaign up and running in 10 minutes delivering instant results. Yahoo can takes from 2 to 5 days while they manually sort and review marketers ads.

In the next Google Adwords article I'll share some great Pay Per Click secrets, secrets that some of the Awords experts wouldn't want me to share.